Have an unforgettable Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is approaching, and all the usual gifts and ideas available to us before, aren't an option anymore because of Covid. To make sure you still have a magical Valentine's, we're bringing you a few tips...
Usually, Valentine's Day would go over smooth- take your loved one out to diner, eat, have a walk and enjoy. Even though restaurants are still closed, don't get discouraged- make this Valentine's Day special.
Win over your crush with new and attractive Carwiz vehicles and drive to an unforgettable dinner - at your place. All you need is to get dressed and get some mood lighting for that restaurant feel. First impressions count, and a Carwiz vehicle will guarantee success!
Continue Valentine's Day with your culinary skills or take-out ordering skills, whichever you prefer.
Decorate the dining table, light the occasional candle and play the music you both love!
And since you're at home, relax and drink some wine (of course, if you are over 18).
If you usually consider Valentine's Day an escape from everyday life and an opportunity to explore new destinations, make this year the same! Explore nature, visit a nearby town or escape to the coast. Whatever your choice, we have a vehicle tailor-made to your needs!
For a new experience, bring some coffee, tea or snacks, get a Carwiz vehicle and have a picnic together somewhere with a great view of the city!
Make this Valentine's Day special with Carwiz vehicles! Find out more at www.carwiz.hr/rezervacije, call us at +385 1 4094 444 or mail us at [email protected].